Friday, June 6, 2008

Final #2

Question: Explain how water quality in both groundwater and surface systems is impacted by land use decisions?

Answer: the water quality in ground water and surface systems impacts by the land use decisions is the pollution that we create up here gets into the water and then the water puts the pollution into the earth which then makes a lot of the water go through the world and it becomes dangerous for the animals to drink and for us be around.

  • The flood cycle starts as heavy rain and then turns into so much water that it is considered a flood, a lot of peoples lives become in danger when a flood occurs and they loose their homes and get separated from their families.
  • erosion happen when there is poor land and it carries part of the land away to a new place where it will settle down but the place that it came from has marks showing the path where it came from.
  • i think that science will interact from a personal and social perspective by attempting to help stop the erosion that is going on and help figure out when a flood is going to come a week before it happens so people can get out safely and be able to stay with their families.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

wes D activity

in this activity it shows how the earth changes then the water directions are going to change in directions. before we started this activity i didn't know anything about this and really didn't care! i learned from this activity that the global winds can change the directions of the currents of the water which starts changing everything else i guess. how this connects to my topic is that the winds change the pattern of everything then it could cause a lot of rain to occur then flooding can take place.

Monday, April 14, 2008

our topics

flooding effects people by it could get up to high and make people evacuate their homes and they will lose all of there things they ever had. hurricanes can cause flooding because of the moving water from the body of waters to the island, they also cause storm surges which can produce tornadoes and major flooding. tropical storm Alberto (1994) moved throughout the southeast united states and produced a huge amount of rainfall(21 inches deep).

you can go to this website for more information: www.nhc,

Thursday, April 3, 2008

activity 4

i hated this activity before we even started doing it. in this activity we put dark dirt in a pop bottle(which represented a greenhouse) and put a thermometer in it to measure the temperature for 20 minutes, then we put a heat lamp above it to heat it up. each group had a different item in the bottle or they had a different type of bottle which made everybody's results different. then in this activity we created a graph of everybody's results to see the change over the 20 minutes, and whose heated up the fastest and the slowest. this activity relates to my topic by when every thing starts to warm up it increases the chance of flooding.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

activity 2

we learned about precipitation and how it changes in direction and in temperature .

why is nature playing April fools?

Nature is playing April fools because it gives us really warm weather then gives really cold weather like snow. so its like its going to get warm and stay warm then like ha ha nope then it gets really cold. so basically nature is trying to make us think that winter id finally gone and spring is here then it dumps snow on us again. la Nina has to do with this because it brings in cold weather and snow. the strong polar circulation is the circulation of the air. the jet stream brings in cold weather at different points in time depending on la Nina.

Friday, March 28, 2008

activity 1

what I learned from activity 1 is that dark materials absorb heat and the white materials like water and snow reflect the heat. so dark materials heat up fast and the others stay the same temperature. when it came to the cooling down process of the water snow and soil, the water cooled down the fastest and the other 2 materials stayed the same.

This activity connects to my topic by because when the soil starts to warm up then the snow starts to melt then the water starts to warm up and help melt the snow which then could start flooding the surrounding areas.